What is the Good Guy?
Isn't that really the question? If you know what it means to be a good guy, wouldn't it be super easy to be one? Probably not.
There are many forms of being a Good Guy. You could be a good citizen, a good worker or a good father and you'd be a Good Guy. But you also might not be. Most of the traits of which we are going to talk about in the article, aren't really easy to obtain and may require a great deal of personal sacrifice. But ultimately, they pay off.
The probably hardest trait of a Good Guy is honesty. It's not brutal honesty where you'd never be allowed to lie. It's an inner honesty, a sworn oath to yourself, to tell the truth whenever it's possible. Running towards lies when you are scared of the truth? Then you aren't a good guy. Using lies to gain an advantage? You suck so much. There is no need to hurt people with honesty, but if you know the short-term hurt will prevent long-term or even permanent damage, don't even hesitate.
Hand in hand with honesty comes responsibility. Not only does responsibility show a certain level of maturity, but it's probably the most practical trait of a Good Guy. Being responsible gains you the trust of people. Having people trust you is one of the best things you can have in life, they will help you without expecting anything from you, because they know, if you will be able, you will help them.
The third and equally as important trait of a Good Guy may surprise a lot of people, since it's generally not a trait commonly associated with success. It's being a fun person. You see if you are a boring or God forbid, a person who brings everyone down, the chances of people liking you go rapidly down. For some it may sound really obvious, but it's the most overlooked character trait when improving.
Hopefully you already posses all of these three basic traits, but be sure to come back to learn more about being a Good Guy.
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